Thursday, November 13, 2014

Advantages And Disadvantages of Computer

In our present life, everything is connected with computer technology. Everyone knows that this is the age of computer and great majority of people are using a computer. Development of science and technology has a direct effect on our daily life as well as in our social life. We can use computer in many places such as airports, seaports, insurance companies, school, colleges, Hospitals, industry, railways, airlines, banks and communications, security units like army, navy and so forth.
          Using a computer has given both advantages and disadvantages to users. Computers have given a lot of benefits to humans because they have the advantages of speed, reliability, consistency, storage, and communication. One of the main advantages in using computers is the possibility that a task that may take longer to do by hand might be done in a shorter period of using a computer. Computer are designed to do tasks much faster and more accurately than humans. Numerical computations, creation and editing of documents, data organization and presentation, graphics are examples of tasks that are done efficiently when computers are used. Another thing is people can work at home, and spend more time with their families because of this. Furthermore, computers are used today to store, retrieve, process and transmit data and information of all types. Though the computer is essentially a device to store retrieve and process data, many other devices such as printers, music system, video systems, games, communication devices, automatic data capture devices, and control device are now used in combination with computers, that use the basic data input, and processing capabilities of computer to produce highly innovative and systems with application in practically every aspects of human activities today. IN education, the computer makes learning relevant. It gives students instant access to information. Students can ask a question to other students in other parts of the world or look for an answer to a question about science and receive that answer in a matter of seconds. They witness what other students are studying and realize the relevance of their studies and how it can affect them and others in their daily lives.
          People do not interested in disadvantages of computer because they think computer have a little bit drawback. In fact, computer disadvantages include violation of privacy, and it is crucial that personal and confidential records stored in computers are protected properly. Impact of Labor Force, although computers have improved productivity and created an entire industry with hundreds of thousands of new jobs, the skills of hundreds of thousands of employees are replaced by computer. Health Risks, prolonged or improper computer use can lead to head injuries or disorders. Computer users can protect themselves from heart risks through proper workplace design; good posture while at the computer, and appropriately spaced work breaks. Impact on the environment, computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are depleting natural resources and polluting the environment.
          Excessive computer use may result in, or occur with a lack of social interaction, using the computer for pleasure, gratification, or relief from stress. In addition, we fell irritable and out of control or depressed when not using it. We spend vast amounts of time and money on hardware, software, magazines, and computer-related activities. And also neglecting work, school, or family obligations, lying about the amount of time spent on computer activities. Moreover, it is risking the loss of career goals, educational objectives, and personal relationships, failing repeated efforts to control computer use, and never getting off the computer. A cause for many of the above-mentioned effects may be that computer games do not stimulate the release of neurotransmitters responsible for feeling of satisfaction and relaxation, such as oxytocin and endorphin, in the same way that real world activities do.
          Presently, I am using a laptop computer. Nowadays, laptop computers are more frequently called notebook computers.
          There are many positive impacts of using a computer in society. It is obvious that the computer are revolutionizing our daily life. More and more educated people are being attracted in using computers for solving their daily problems from word processing, spreadsheet calculation to solve a very complex simultaneous equation. The following are the basic reasons of increasing attraction toward the use of computers at home or offices. For instance, tedious work can be carried out with the use of computer speedily and accurately. Instead of using paper files and occupying large spaces, more information can be stored in a small space electronically that can be accessed a required. Computer also possesses multitasking and multiprocessing capabilities that facilities multifold operation on data. Since the data are stored in electronic devices, they can be easily accessed. Computers obey the instructions, and they process the data impartiality during result processing. Documents can be kept secret with special login name and password protection. Social effects (ATM, Visa card, Master Card): People can use automated teller machine cards for withdrawing money deposited with the help of ATM card, Visa card or Master card.
          Though computers have numerous positive implication, some people show its negative impact in the following points. They include computer are highly expensive, and they are not affordable for general people, there are some methods people can pirate data for misuse. Since a computer can do works much faster, less number for employees can do more work, and it leads to increase unemployment. Due to malfunction of the computer, huge data and information can be lost. Computer technology is fast changing technology, and we have to update accordingly which might become difficult for small firms and schools. Due to the difficulty of data transmission we fail in providing proper services.
          Enjoying with using computers, the vast majority of people do not think about their health. There are some way to protect ourselves from hazard of using a computer. Good ergonomic design of workplaces and behavioral practices can create a working environment which will protect users against many of the debilitating effects of computer related injury slight changes in working practices can have a dramatic effect in reducing risks and aches and pains associated with computer use. Our bodies are not designed to sit in one position for prolonged periods of time. It is just as important to change your posture frequently as it is to sit with a good posture. Taking regular breaks is essential to relieve the body from the stains imposed by the continuous repetitive movements of using a keyboard and mouse, and from a sedentary position we all occupy when working at our computer.
          To sum up, using computers is two edged word. It means that computers have both advantages and disadvantages. However, it gives a hazard to humans if they use in an inappropriate way. And you will get more benefits from computer if you use it in the correct way.


References : 

  •   Shelly, G.B. & Vermaat, M.E (2011) Discovering Computers 2011 Complete (International Edition). USA: Course Technology ( page 9)